Where is 0203 area code uk
If your number had previously been xxx-xxxx it was now 8xxx-xxxx. At least at first, this meant that you could still bank on an '8' number corresponding to outer London, while a '7' number indicated somewhere central. But this is no longer a cast-iron certainty. New numbers created in the central area are sometimes given an '8' prefix, while those further out can be given '7' numbers.
Technically, it doesn't. As outlined above, there's no such thing as an or number, which by extension means that there's no such things as an number. But it's much simpler to say ' number' than 'London number beginning with a 3'. At first, their distribution was so scarce that few people noticed.
Fast forward a decade or so, and many more homes and businesses have been assigned '3' numbers. It's now common to see an 3 number on business signs and adverts. It's just as common to see it quoted incorrectly as OK, that last bit is a fib. While the area code loosely corresponds to the Greater London boundary, it isn't a perfect match.
For example, the good people of Borehamwood Hertfordshire , Ewell Surrey and Chigwell Essex enjoy possession of numbers, even though they're not technically in London.
Meanwhile, many people who live within the Greater London boundary find themselves on other area codes, as this handy map from Wikimedia Commons shows. Much of Bexley, for example, uses Dartford's code. The borough of Bromley is split three-ways between London , Westerham and Orpington The system has plenty of scope for expansion. We may one day see 2 numbers, or 4, or 9.
But I was wrong, in part at least. These give the impression of an organisation in London. You have no idea where the real caller is based as the apparent London number comes up in searches or on incoming call phone displays. There's an auto-divert to a mobile or landline facility. That's really cheap compared with bricks and mortar premises in one of the world's most expensive cities.
Create your own user feedback survey. All nonsense of course. Of course, some will be tempted to read all your secrets including bank log-ins while the machine is under their control. And then sell them. Microsoft has spent years telling computer users that these calls are dangerous rubbish but still they persist. I always play them along for a bit.
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