As with tweets, you can add a photo or a GIF to your message, though you can't add both or more than one of them at the same time: Photo — Click the mountain-shaped "Photo" icon, select a photo or video from your computer, and click Open. Click Send. It's to the right of the message. This will send your message to the recipient. A grey checkmark under your message means it was sent. A blue checkmark means it was viewed. Part 7. Download the Twitter app.

Sign into your Twitter account. Once Twitter opens, tap Sign in and enter your account's email address and password. If you haven't yet created a Twitter account, make an account and set it up before using Twitter on mobile. Create a tweet. Tap the "Tweet" icon, which resembles a feather pen on a box in the top-right corner iPhone or bottom-right corner Android of the screen, then type in your tweet's contents and tap Tweet in the top-right corner of the screen.

As with desktop, you can add photos, a GIF, a poll, or a series of additional tweets to your tweet. To respond to a tweet, go to the tweet, tap the speech bubble below the tweet, enter your reply, and tap Reply. Retweet content.

You can retweet any non-protected tweet by going to the tweet in the Home feed, tapping the rectangular Retweet option, and then tapping one of the following: Retweet — Tap this option to retweet the tweet immediately. Retweet with comment — Type a comment into the text box, then tap Retweet. Search Twitter for users. Check your notifications.

Tap the bell-shaped "Notifications" icon at the bottom of the screen to do so. This will list all of your Twitter-based notifications e.

Send a message. You can send a message from the Twitter mobile app by doing the following: Tap the envelope-shaped Messages icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Tap the "New Message" icon that's in the top-right corner of the screen iPhone or the bottom-right corner of the screen Android. Select a recipient. Tap the "Start a message" text box. Enter a message, making sure to add a photo or a GIF if you like. View your profile. Tap your profile picture at the top of the screen, then tap Profile in the resulting drop-down menu to go to your profile page.

You can edit your profile by tapping Edit profile here and then selecting aspects to edit e. If you know their twitter username beginning with the symbol , include this username anywhere in a tweet, and it will notify that user as a mention.

If you start with the username at the very beginning of your tweet, only Twitter users who follow both of you will see it on their timeline. Put it anywhere else, and it will become a public tweet that all of your followers can see, too. Yes No. Not Helpful 5 Helpful You can't. That's not how Twitter works.

However, you can retweet something that person posted and add a comment if you want them to see what you write. You can write username at the beginning of your tweet. Not Helpful 7 Helpful Yes; on desktop, click on your profile picture, then go to Settings. The first setting you can change is your username. If you want to change your display name, visit your profile by clicking on your profile picture again, then clicking on "View Profile".

Next, click "Edit Profile". Now, you can change your name, profile picture, header, anything to make your profile you. Not Helpful 6 Helpful Locate the unwanted tweeted. Click or tap on the ellipsis icon the three dots There you will see "Delete Tweet" as an option.

Press on this and the tweet will be removed. The heart icon allows you to "like" people's posts. By clicking on it, the post goes into your "Likes" list. Not Helpful 11 Helpful You can tweet as much as you like in a day, or as little as you like. The issue is how much your followers can bear.

Too much and they will unfollow you as you'll be blocking up their stream. Too little and they'll think you're no longer interested, and will likely unfollow you too.

You will need to find the right balance depending on what you tweet about, who your followers are and who you are. If you're a celebrity and you wanted to tweet every single minute of the day, you would probably be adored; if you're anyone else, it'd probably result in a mass loss of followers!

You certainly can and this was once a popular way of using Twitter back in the day. Go to the Twitter website and follow the joining prompts provided there. You can then enjoy using Twitter on your computer with great ease.

Not Helpful 9 Helpful Look for the heart icon or symbol underneath the person's post. If there is an image as well as text, the icon will be underneath the image. Simply click on the heart and you will have liked the post. You can check all of your liked posts under "Likes" from your menu bar. Click or tap the curved arrow at the bottom of the tweet.

This will open a reply dialogue with a text box. Alternately, click or tap the tweet itself to open a full view of it and its previous replies. In either case, you can type your reply into the reply box. The 'Page plugin' is a versatile widget that can allow viewers to like a Facebook page, see which of their friends already like it, and view recent posts from the page.

This widget should meet most of your needs around showcasing a Facebook page on your wiki! Select your options and click the "Get Code" button. Just grab the code from step two and you'll be all set! If you are having problems with setting up any of the Twitter or Facebook boxes, feel free to ask for help on our Community Forum or contact Fandom Staff. Community Central. Community Central Explore. Report spam Report vandalism Report wikis Spam filter problems. Use hashtags.

Using hashtags is a great way to connect to people with similar interests and to increase the visibility of your tweets. Add hashtags to your tweets and also create tweets based on hashtags that are popular on Twitter at the time you can see these as "trends" on the left-hand side of your Twitter home page. This will maximize your tweet's exposure. However, like everything on Twitter, hashtags should be used in moderation. Just pick one or two relevant or amusing hashtags which add to the quality of your tweet.

Don't just add hashtags onto words that appeared in the rest of your tweet, or include them just for the sake of it. It might seem counter-intuitive to do this when you're focused on gaining followers, but it's a good practice because people who notice that you didn't follow them back might unfollow you.

Like other social media sites, Twitter is a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" type of environment. Also, when you follow back, some people might respond to you publicly, which will give you some added exposure to their followers.

If you're worried that you won't be able to keep up with that many people, you're right. Once you're following over people, it'll be pretty much impossible to read all their updates.

Method 2. Direct people to your Twitter account. You can direct more people to your Twitter account by putting "Follow me on Twitter" links on your blog, e-mail, other social networking outlets, and across the web. That way, people who are already interested in what you're doing can easily find your Twitter Profile and follow you. Using graphics, such as a button or counter can also be more effective at catching attention and getting you more followers. Try to get celebrities or famous people to follow you on Twitter.

That will increase the chance that they will tweet at you or retweet one of your tweets, increasing the visibility of your Twitter account.

You can get a celebrity's attention on Twitter by sending them an message. An message is a direct message which you can send to anyone, whether you're following them or not.

Choose a celebrity or at least someone with a ton of followers to send an message to. This message will appear on your profile page, so anyone who comes to scope you out will see who you've tweeted. If you're really lucky, the celebrity will reply to your message, retweet it, or maybe even follow you back. This will make your tweet visible to thousands or even millions of people, and undoubtedly gain you followers.

Although this doesn't happen that often, it's worth sending a direct message or two everyday on the off-chance that it's gets retweeted. Remember, the funnier or more original the tweet is, the better the odds of the celebrity paying attention to it!

Follow people with similar interests, then follow their followers. This sounds kind of complicated, but it's really not. Just look for users with similar interests to your own, but who have way more followers. Then all you need to do is follow that user and their followers. For example, if you're a tarot fanatic, find another tarot fanatic who has many followers, then follow those followers. If it's clear from your bio and your tweets that you're a tarot enthusiast, they're more likely to follow you.

Be cautious though; following too many people may draw potential followers away. Being retweeted pushes your exposure to the edges of your Twitter network. Simply adding "Please retweet" or "Please RT" to the end of some of your posts here and there not all the time can remind your followers that you want them to spread the word for you. Occasionally posting a link to an article on How to Retweet will also help your followers help you.

Repeat your most popular tweets. Do a search for your Twitter name and observe which of your updates get the most replies and retweets. Then repeat those updates a few times roughly hours apart.

You'll reach more people this way because you're more likely to catch the attention of people who missed your updates the first time around. People "tune in" to Twitter at various times during the day and night. If you get complaints about repeated tweets, you might want to ease off a little or just delete the complainers!

Method 3. Regularly unfollow people who haven't followed you back. This is especially important to avoid follow limits. The first limit you'll probably hit is when you've followed 2, people. You won't be able to follow any more until you have 2, followers. When this happens, you'll need to "clean-up" your list by unfollowing people who haven't followed you back.

Aim to unfollow people who don't post that often, or whose tweets you aren't really interested in. Enter your question in the tweet box's text box. Type your choice titles into the choice text boxes. Set a poll length by tapping the 1 day option and then selecting a preferred poll length.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Tweets can include one of the following: up to four photos, one GIF, or one video. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. If you have to go on a vacation or be out of office for a long period of time, you can schedule tweets using various tweet scheduling services. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Co-authored by:.

Co-authors: 7. Updated: March 11, Categories: Twitter Internet. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 20, times. Is this article up to date?

Yes No. Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy.

Dumbledore finally agreed to give him the post, as Marvolo Gaunt had put a deadly ring on his finger, knowing that he would be widely regarded as a sorcerer. Dumbledore was aware of the fact that after Snape killed him, the whole wizarding world would condemn him and force him to step down as the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Despite the fact Snape killed Dumbledore, it was agreed that he would do so. When Professor Snape died, we found out that his deep love for Lily Evans caused his redemption with the magnificent result — to protect the precious boy destined to kill the biggest enemy of the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort.

Finally, when the time came for Snape to actually kill Dumbledore he hesitated, regardless of their previous agreement, so Dumbledore had to beg Severus to end his life.

Firstly, because he had to keep a promise he had given Dumbledore earlier. As well, it was an act of mercy, as Dumbledore was already dying, from the curse he received because of the Ring. The curse and the potion did it. Nobody forced Dumbledore to put on the Ring neither to drink the potion. The Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the death of Albus Dumbledore had a major impact on the wizarding world.

The only wizard Lord Voldemort had ever feared and who had the power to oppose him was finally dead. Teachers were unsure if the school would remain open, so some parents dropped their children out of Hogwarts. Unfortunately, this one was a little bit sad topic to write about we believe to read as well. This deal was sealed with an Unbreakable Vow. After obtaining one of the horcruxes from a cave, Harry and Dumbledore returned to Hogsmeade, where Madam Rosmerta warned them that the Dark Mark appeared over the Astronomy Tower.

Dumbledore and Harry borrowed her broomsticks and headed up there, ad Dumbledore immobilized Harry with a silent full body-bind curse and covered him with the invisibility cloak. Dumbledore then hid Harry in a dark bunker underneath the platform. Dumbledore and Harry apparated to the top platform of the Astronomy Tower — they never came across with Rosmerta, nor was the Dark Mark over the tower.

Although removing the curse from an infected individual was seemingly impossible, it could be removed from the host object if said artefact was damaged to a certain degree. When Dumbledore used the basilisk venom -infused Sword of Gryffindor to attack the cursed ring, it destroyed the Horcrux and disabled the curse on it.

After he had acquired his maternal grandfather's prized heirloom ring from his deranged uncle , Tom Riddle wore it openly during his time at Hogwarts after killing his father and grandparents.

Once he learned about the effects and possibility of creating multiple Horcruxes, Riddle no longer desired to wear the ring, and instead turned it into a Horcrux with his father's murder.

He then placed the curse on the ring as one of the many precautions before he hid it in its place of origin. The lack of hesitancy of placing the curse onto the Resurrection Stone was a sign for Voldemort's lack of knowledge or care for its powers and status as one of the three Deathly Hallows. In the Summer of , when Dumbledore found the ring under the rotting floorboards of the Gaunt shack , he saw it immediately as the Hallow that he had desired for so many years, the Resurrection Stone.

Wanting to use it to revive his family and apologise for his selfishness in the past, Dumbledore lost his common sense, forget that it was a Horcrux which may have been cursed, and adorned it on his right hand. Almost immediately, the curse triggered, and nearly killed Dumbledore. However, Dumbledore managed to use his own prodigious skill to contain the curse from spreading any further, which prevented him from dying immediately.

This was a strategic choice that consolidated Voldemort's trust in Snape, allowing the latter to keep secretly working for the good side from a position of power. But Dumbledore's plans reached beyond his death. Through his clever manipulations, his death caused a chain of seemingly unimportant events which all turned out to be linked, allowing the defeat of Voldemort. For fantasy fans, Dumbledore's death is one of the most memorable twists.

The truth behind the reasons for his death is even more complex and frankly hard to take in at a first read. No matter how we feel about the books now, it's hard to forget that time when "Snape killed Dumbledore" was the worst form of spoiler.

Home fandoms Harry Potter.

Skip to main content. Search Close. More About Curacao. Coolest Underwater Attractions Instead of navigating overcrowded Pompeii, why not explore another intriguing ancient city—resting just five to 15 feet underwater off Naples.

Westpunt Willemstad. Subscribe Now. Sign Up for our Newsletter Receive exclusive travel deals, insider tips, inspiration, breaking news updates, and more. And of course, there are daily flights to and from Amsterdam.

Depending on the time of year you want to travel, round-trip flights are relatively inexpensive in shoulder season, which is considered spring and fall. Dollars are widely accepted, but you can also take advantage of the favorable exchange rate of the Netherlands guilder: currently 0. Legend has it that in the s the governor of Curacao was getting migraines from the sun shining off the white painted houses on the island and he instructed locals to paint their houses as bright as they could.

As it turns out, he just owned the paint company on the island and was trying to increase his sales. Now, the tradition has continued on for centuries and reflects the bright and vibrant culture of the island. And more recently, street art has taken over Willemstad and Pietermaai, with gorgeous murals popping up. Ashley Rossi was hosted by the Curacao Tourist Board on her trip. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram for travel tips, destination ideas, and off the beaten path spots.

We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. But of course, there is much more to it than that.

If you have any doubts about which island would be a better fit for you then this overview is for you. A tropical island is not complete without white sandy beaches and a surrounding blue ocean. Both islands have plenty of both, however, there are differences. Aruba has beaches that are long and stretched, while Curacao is known for its many bays and secluded beaches. Photo: Cas Abou beach on Curacao. Despite the dry climate there is no lack of trees on both Curacao and Aruba. There are many palm, mango and banana trees, especially on Aruba.

Curacao has more cliffs and hills than Aruba, this is especially in the Christoffel park nature reserve. Here you will also find the meter-high Christoffel mountain, where a real climb is needed to reach the summit highly recommended!

On Aruba there are two mountains : the peak of the Jamanota meters can be reached by car and the Hooiberg meters can be conquered via stairs. Curacao and Aruba are ideal for diving, both have breathtaking underwater worlds. Divers both beginners and advanced from all over the world come to Curacao and Aruba for that reason.

Admittedly, there are more sites on Aruba to wreck dive— we sense a possible correlation. On one side of Aruba you will find not one but a number of smaller islands. It's a true paradise within paradise, and you can go there for a day trip with several boat companies. Photo: Renaissance island Aruba. Aruba has more fame worldwide, and attracts more tourists from its neighboring island of Curacao. Vendors from nearby Venezuela come and dock in downtown Willemstad to sell goods from their small fishing boats.

Truk di Pan, the original food trucks, are stationed throughout the island and serve late-night bites to satisfy post-party cravings. The ingredients of the rum have remained a secret since the bar opened its doors in You just need to be ready for whatever the day brings, so come prepared with adventure clothes.

There, you can take an ostrich safari, try your luck at standing on an ostrich egg and even try eating ostrich if you so desire. Need we say more? Head under the sea and cruise through the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean, spotting marine marvels like sea life, shipwrecks and sharks along the way.

The biggest size of this unique and elegant mask. Expertly handcrafted leather with mastery, it is used to frame beautiful papier-mache faces and then decorated. In this mask its the face is made in papier-mache and entirely decorated with stucco and gold leaf and the contour is realized with the various types of leaves, multiple qualities of fruit and flowers.

Why do Venetians wear masks during the carnival? Here a selection of some of our best masks:. Cat Mask with Metal Ears. His character is a comic servant, dressed in clothes full of patches and rags that evolved into the colorful patterns we associate harlequins with today. His forefather was the Zanni mask, who is a country peasant or porter, constantly hungry, forced to swindle his way through life.

The mask has a beak-like nose, typically worn with a long white coat and straggly hair. Pantalone is an old man whose mask has a a beaked nose and heavy eyebrows.

He is usually a shopkeeper from the city, fond of food and pretty women, miserly, gullible, and the butt of all the jokes. He represents the sad clown, who usually pines for Colombina , though she will inevitably break his heart. He wears a white tunic that has wide sleeves and legs, and his mask is also painted white, sometimes with a black tear. We and our partners use cookies to better understand your needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised content and advertisements.

To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK". Sign Up. Travel Guides. Videos Beyond Hollywood Hungerlust Pioneers of love. A Guide to the Masks of Venice. Ione Wang. They are such an integral part of Carnevale and not many people know the significance of the masks.

These are so incredible! I love noticing all the differences between all the different carnivals around the world.

Carnevale is a lot of fun trying to guess who might be behind the mask! Hi, nice to see you and its the nice information for the carnival.

Did you ever joined the carnival at Brazil. Rgds, Noman. Glad you enjoyed the history of the masks, Norman! It does look like fun though! Sparked my dreaming of the real thing — must be magical to see it come alive! Your photos are fantastic! Great story, Jennifer. Fun post — and gorgeous carnival mask pics! How special to visit Venice during its Carnival!

Great photos! When we visited Venice, we got to go to one of the few shops that still makes masks by hand — fascinating! Awesome Laura! Great photos too! Great pictures and stories about the masks. I learned a lot about them. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Learn how your comment data is processed. Costumes and masks are incredibly elaborate these days. Costumes and masks can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars.

The Batua is always white. Moderna Moretta Venice Carnival masks simply tie on with a ribbon.

The powerful hard drive manager allows you to convert between MBR and GPT on both system disk and data disk without deleting partitions in simple clicks. Here is a step-by-step guide. Install and run. Note: to avoid data loss caused by improper human operations and other unexpected issues power failure Step 1.

Step 2. Click OK. Notes: 1. A removable disk is not allowed to convert into a GPT disk. Converting system disk to GPT partition style requires bit operating systems. From the reliability and CRC protection mentioned before, it is suggested to use the GPT partition style if all other conditions are qualified. Another reason to use partitions is to install multiple operating systems on the same HDD Linux, Windows10, Windows 7, etc. The GUID consists of details on drives, partitions, storage sizes, boot information, and other essential data related to boot and functionality.

GPT has no partition limit , so you can have ten partitions if you want. Another difference is MBR stores all information in one place, which could get corrupted and fail.

Note You must be a member of the Backup Operators or Administrators group, at minimum, to complete these steps. Note Running the clean command will delete all partitions or volumes on the disk. Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback.

Select personalised ads. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. The Volcker rule limits two main types of activities by large institutional banks.

Banks are prohibited from engaging in proprietary trading activities and from owning interest in covered funds, generally defined as hedge funds and private equity funds.

The rule is listed in Section of the Dodd-Frank Act , and is part of the larger financial reforms contained in that legislation. The rule was designed to prevent banks that receive federal and taxpayer backing in the form of deposit insurance and other support from engaging in risky trading activities.

The Volcker rule prohibits banks from engaging in proprietary trading activities. Proprietary trading is defined by the rule as a bank serving as a principal of a trading account in buying or selling a financial instrument. The regulations expand on the definition of what qualifies as a trading account and whether the trade involves a financial instrument.

The regulations define a trading account based upon three criteria: a purpose test for the account, the market risk capital rule test and the status test. The rules states that trades are presumed to be for the trading account of a bank if the bank held the position for 60 days. Due to the broad definition of a trading account, certain trading activities are exempted from this prohibition, such as clearing activities, liquidity management, market making, hedging, trades to satisfy delivery obligations and trades through a profit sharing or pension plan of the bank.

However, very strenuous compliance requirements are placed on these trading activities, which include internal controls and extensive documentation. The Volcker rule further prohibits banks from having an ownership interest in a covered fund. The rule defines covered funds with a three-pronged test. A covered fund is exempt from the definition of an investment company as defined by the Investment Company Act of , commodity pools with characteristics similar to hedge funds or private equity funds and foreign covered funds.

The rule sets forth a number of exceptions to these prohibitions, such as foreign public funds, wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures. Banks were supposed to liquidate their holdings in covered funds by July However, in December , the Federal Reserve Board granted extensions to banks to get out of these positions until , and until in some cases. The banks argued that many of their positions were in illiquid investments on which they would have to take significant losses to exit. As far as market activity impacts from Volcker, there are many causes of changes in market structure, liquidity and activity, not least of them being the onset of new technology and trading strategies by market participants, as well as behavior changes among investors.

Moreover, it is an urban myth that a lack of proprietary trading has led somehow to reduced market activity and efficiency. Hedge funds have taken up the slack created by the retreat of investment banks from unsafe, exotic trading activity, and they account for massive amounts of market liquidity every day. The ranks of these hedge funds have been filled by traders from investment banks who were looking for more speculative trading environments — and their investors happily take on the risk that their investments entail.

The volatility and increased market activity seen in recent months — not to mention trading desks opening up new products such as cryptocurrency — show that the heart of Wall Street is still vigorously beating. Trading in digital asset futures such as bitcoin have been offered on Wall Street since December , providing new sources of income, Goldman Sachs, for instance, announced some opening moves in its digital assets trading strategy in May The level of trading generally has been up sharply in as volatility returned to the market.

Finally, investment banks have deliberately and successfully pursued more stable sources of revenue since the financial crisis. While regulators may have played a role in this evolution, so have investors. Much of that share increase has come since the introduction of Volcker in , hardly an indication of financial stress and unnecessary bureaucratic burden.

Both the Volcker Rule and Dodd-Frank have been largely protecting banks from their own worst instincts over the past few years. Community Banking. Credit unions. Log In. Follow Us In Real Time twitter facebook linkedin.

Tags Volcker Rule Risk management. By Andrew Waxman June 14, , a. EDT 5 Min Read. They continue to oversee the regulations today. They are:. On December 10, , the commission completed the regulations. As a result, the Volcker Rule has been in force since July 21, On May 30, , the Fed voted to offer banks compliance relief. Securities and Exchange Commission released the final rule modifying the Volcker Rule. It had separated investment banking from commercial banking.

Under Glass-Steagall, investment banks were privately-run, small companies that helped corporations raise capital by going public on the stock market or issuing debt. Commercial banks were safe places for depositors to save their money and gain a little interest. They lent the funds at regulated interest rates. Commercial banks made money despite thin profit margins because they had access to lots and lots of capital in the depositors' funds. Retail banks, like Citi, started trading with derivatives like investment banks.

The repeal of Glass-Steagall meant banks could now put the vast reserves of depositors' funds to work without much regulation to worry about. The FDIC protected commercial bank deposits. Banks could borrow money at a cheaper rate than anyone else. This situation gave the banks with an investment banking arm an unfair competitive advantage over community banks and credit unions.

As a result, big banks bought up smaller ones and became too big to fail. A too-big-to-fail bank will likely need to be bailed out with taxpayer funds too big to fail. That added another benefit. The banks knew the federal government would bail them out if anything went wrong. That's called a moral hazard. If things went well, bank stockholders and managers won. The Volcker Rule impacts you in the following five ways:.

At the time, he was the chair of President Barack Obama's economic advisory panel. When Volcker was Fed Chairman, he courageously raised the fed funds rate to uncomfortable levels to starve double-digit inflation.

Although this helped cause the recession, it was successful. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. CFA Institute. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Internally, an organization could simply choose not to manipulate the data. However, because these data sets could be manipulated by ill-intentioned researchers, this particular sampling method can generate scrutiny—particularly in industries that are prone to statistical manipulations, such as politics. There are several reasons why SurveyMonkey Audience is ideal for systematic sampling. With an audience consisting of more than 50 million nearly-randomized people, it is easy to conduct a variety of different types of surveys and generate statistically significant results.

Furthermore, SurveyMonkey makes it easier to find a random population, assign the population specific numbers, and then systematically generate a subpopulation. With limited time and resources, organizations of all kinds can gain greater insights and adjust their own behaviors in response.

Systematic sampling is a sampling methodology that samples a larger population via fixed, repeated intervals. When all else is equal, it is a sampling methodology that is simple, straightforward, and easy to conduct. While there are indeed some drawbacks, such as strict pre-requisites and clustering issues, this type of sampling is still incredibly popular among researchers around the world.

Collect market research data by sending your survey to a representative sample. Get help with your market research project by working with our expert research team. Test creative or product concepts using an automated approach to analysis and reporting. Products Surveys. Specialized products.

View all products. Survey Types. People Powered Data for business. Solutions for teams. Explore more survey types. Curiosity at Work. Help Center. Watch a demo. Solutions Services More Resources. What is systematic sampling? Get started. How systematic sampling works. When to use systematic sampling.

Optimize your research sample. Get insights from your target audience with SurveyMonkey Audience. Learn more. Steps to form a sample using systematic sampling. Step 1: Defining the population. Step 2: Identifying the population and sample size.

Step 3: Assigning a number. Step 4: Determining the interval. Step 5: Selecting the sample. Want to learn more about sampling best practices? Discover examples and resources in our Ultimate Guide to Market Research. Read more. Types of systematic sampling. Systematic random sampling. Linear systematic sampling. Circular systematic sampling. Advantages of systematic sampling. Random probability.

Limitations of systematic sampling. Strict prerequisites. In order to perform simple random sampling, each element of the population of interest must be separately identified and selected.

With systematic sampling, a sampling interval is used to select the individuals that will comprise the sample. If researchers are working with a small population, random sampling will provide the best results. However, if the size of the size of the sample that is required to perform the study increases, and researchers find themselves needing to create multiple samples from the population, these processes end up being extremely time-consuming and expensive.

When there is no pattern in the data, systematic sampling is more effective than simple random sampling. But in circumstances where the population is not random, researchers are at risk of selecting individuals to comprise their sample that possess the same characteristics, which in turn has a negative effect on data quality.

For example, if a farm that grows oranges has a sorting machine that is on the fritz, and every tenth orange that passes the sorting test is damaged, researchers are more likely to select a damaged orange to be a part of their sample if they use systematic sampling than if they were to use simple random sampling. This would result in a biased sample, and inherently poor data quality.

Systematic sampling is the preferred method over simple random sampling when a study maintains a low risk of data manipulation. Data manipulation is when researchers reorder or restructure a data set, which can result in a decrease in the validity of the data. If the risk of data manipulation is high, and the sampling interval that comes with systematic sampling has the potential to alter the data being collected, then a simple random sampling method is more appropriate and effective.

The first step of performing systematic sampling is to estimate the size of the population that visits the restaurant on a given day. The researchers would be unable to know the exact size of the population, since they cannot be percent confident who will visit the restaurant during the day, but they can make some informed estimate as to how many restaurant patrons they can expect to see.

Depending on the estimate derived from step one, the size of the sample could be ten, one hundred, or even more than that — it all depends on the desired data volume target for the research to be statistically significant. In this step, the researchers would take the estimated population size from step one , and divide it by the number of people that need to be in the sample from step two.

For instance, suppose researchers want to study the size of rats in a given area. If they don't have any idea how many rats there are, they cannot systematically select a starting point or interval size. A population needs to exhibit a natural degree of randomness along the chosen metric. If the population has a type of standardized pattern, the risk of accidentally choosing very common cases is more apparent. For a simple hypothetical situation, consider a list of favorite dog breeds where intentionally or by accident every evenly numbered dog on the list was small and every odd dog was large.

If the systematic sampler began with the fourth dog and chose an interval of six, the survey would skip the large dogs. There is a greater risk of data manipulation with systematic sampling because researchers might be able to construct their systems to increase the likelihood of achieving a targeted outcome rather than letting the random data produce a representative answer.

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We and our partners process data to: Actively scan device characteristics for identification. I Accept Show Purposes. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Key Takeaways Because of its simplicity, systematic sampling is popular with researchers. Other advantages of this methodology include eliminating the phenomenon of clustered selection and a low probability of contaminating data.

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis , the bacterium that causes tuberculosis , can be detected in specimens based on the presence of acid-fast bacilli. If acid-fast bacteria are confirmed, they are generally cultured to make a positive identification.

Variations of this approach can be used as a first step in determining whether M. An alternative approach for determining the presence of M. In this technique, fluorochrome-labeled antibodies bind to M. Antibody-specific fluorescent dyes can be used to view the mycobacteria with a fluorescence microscope. Certain bacteria and yeasts have a protective outer structure called a capsule. Capsules do not absorb most basic dyes; therefore, a negative staining technique staining around the cells is typically used for capsule staining.

The dye stains the background but does not penetrate the capsules, which appear like halos around the borders of the cell. The specimen does not need to be heat-fixed prior to negative staining. One common negative staining technique for identifying encapsulated yeast and bacteria is to add a few drops of India ink or nigrosin to a specimen.

Other capsular stains can also be used to negatively stain encapsulated cells Figure 6. Alternatively, positive and negative staining techniques can be combined to visualize capsules: The positive stain colors the body of the cell, and the negative stain colors the background but not the capsule, leaving halo around each cell.

Figure 6. The halos surrounding the cells are the polysaccharide capsules. Encapsulated cells appear to have a light-blue halo. Endospores are structures produced within certain bacterial cells that allow them to survive harsh conditions. Gram staining alone cannot be used to visualize endospores, which appear clear when Gram-stained cells are viewed. Endospore staining uses two stains to differentiate endospores from the rest of the cell.

The Schaeffer-Fulton method the most commonly used endospore-staining technique uses heat to push the primary stain malachite green into the endospore. Washing with water decolorizes the cell, but the endospore retains the green stain. The cell is then counterstained pink with safranin. The resulting image reveals the shape and location of endospores, if they are present. The green endospores will appear either within the pink vegetative cells or as separate from the pink cells altogether.

If no endospores are present, then only the pink vegetative cells will be visible Figure 7. Figure 7. A stained preparation of Bacillus subtilis showing endospores as green and the vegetative cells as pink. Endospore-staining techniques are important for identifying Bacillus and Clostridium , two genera of endospore-producing bacteria that contain clinically significant species. Among others, B. Figure 8. A flagella stain of Bacillus cereus, a common cause of foodborne illness, reveals that the cells have numerous flagella, used for locomotion.

Flagella singular: flagellum are tail-like cellular structures used for locomotion by some bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Because they are so thin, flagella typically cannot be seen under a light microscope without a specialized flagella staining technique. Flagella staining thickens the flagella by first applying mordant generally tannic acid, but sometimes potassium alum , which coats the flagella; then the specimen is stained with pararosaniline most commonly or basic fuchsin Figure 8.

Though flagella staining is uncommon in clinical settings, the technique is commonly used by microbiologists, since the location and number of flagella can be useful in classifying and identifying bacteria in a sample.

When using this technique, it is important to handle the specimen with great care; flagella are delicate structures that can easily be damaged or pulled off, compromising attempts to accurately locate and count the number of flagella. Samples to be analyzed using a TEM must have very thin sections. But cells are too soft to cut thinly, even with diamond knives.

The ethanol replaces the water in the cells, and the resin dissolves in ethanol and enters the cell, where it solidifies. Next, thin sections are cut using a specialized device called an ultramicrotome Figure 9.

Finally, samples are fixed to fine copper wire or carbon-fiber grids and stained—not with colored dyes, but with substances like uranyl acetate or osmium tetroxide, which contain electron-dense heavy metal atoms. Figure 9. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region. When samples are prepared for viewing using an SEM, they must also be dehydrated using an ethanol series. However, they must be even drier than is necessary for a TEM.

Critical point drying with inert liquid carbon dioxide under pressure is used to displace the water from the specimen. After drying, the specimens are sputter-coated with metal by knocking atoms off of a palladium target, with energetic particles. Additionally, this species has not been successfully cultured in the laboratory on an artificial medium; therefore, diagnosis depends upon successful identification using microscopic techniques and serology analysis of body fluids, often looking for antibodies to a pathogen.

Since fixation and staining would kill the cells, darkfield microscopy is typically used for observing live specimens and viewing their movements. However, other approaches can also be used. For example, the cells can be thickened with silver particles in tissue sections and observed using a light microscope. It is also possible to use fluorescence or electron microscopy to view Treponema Figure Figure Though the stain kills the cells, it increases the contrast to make them more visible.

In clinical settings, indirect immunofluorescence is often used to identify Treponema. Multiple secondary antibodies can attach to each primary antibody, amplifying the amount of stain attached to each Treponema cell, making them easier to spot Figure Indirect immunofluorescence can be used to identify T. Samples for fluorescence and confocal microscopy are prepared similarly to samples for light microscopy, except that the dyes are fluorochromes.

Stains are often diluted in liquid before applying to the slide. Some dyes attach to an antibody to stain specific proteins on specific types of cells immunofluorescence ; others may attach to DNA molecules in a process called fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH , causing cells to be stained based on whether they have a specific DNA sequence. Sample preparation for two-photon microscopy is similar to fluorescence microscopy, except for the use of infrared dyes.

Specimens for STM need to be on a very clean and atomically smooth surface. They are often mica coated with Au Toluene vapor is a common fixative.

After some additional testing, the technician determines that these bacteria are the medically important species known as Staphylococcus aureus , a common culprit in wound infections. Because some strains of S. After testing several antibiotics, the lab is able to identify one that is effective against this particular strain of S.

This reduces the risk that any especially resistant bacteria could survive, causing a second infection or spreading to another person. Cells may also be stained to highlight metabolic processes or to differentiate between live and dead cells in a sample. Cells may also be enumerated by staining cells to determine biomass in an environment of interest. Cell staining techniques and preparation depend on the type of stain and analysis used. One or more of the following procedures may be required to prepare a sample:.

There are several types of staining media, each can be used for a different purpose. Commonly used stains and how they work are listed below. All these stains may be used on fixed, or non-living, cells and those that can be used on living cells are noted. In order to reveal structural detail using brightfield microscopy, some form of staining is required. With this method, cell nuclei are stained blue, and cytoplasm and many extra-cellular components in shades of pink.

However, sometimes additional information is required to provide a full differential diagnosis, and this requires furthermore specialized staining techniques. These methods can all be applied to paraffin sections, and in most cases, the slides produced are completely stable and can be kept for many years. After staining, the sections are covered with a glass coverslip and are then sent to a pathologist who will view them under a microscope to make an appropriate diagnosis and prepare a report.

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Preparation options Because of the microscopy requirements, options for preparing specimens are limited to: Whole-mounts, where an entire organism or structure is small enough or thin enough to be placed directly onto a microscope slide e. Sections, where specimens are supported in some way so that very thin slices can be cut from them, mounted on slides, and stained. Section preparation. Figure 1: A diagnostic section being prepared with a cryostat microtome.

The section, which has been cut from snap-frozen tissue, is being picked up onto a warm slide where it will be immediately fixed and stained. Figure 2: A rotary microtome being used to cut paraffin sections.

But in Houston, we still fill them Double cups with that Purp. Hey yo Homeboi , I kno u bout to sip them Double Cups at this party right? Bout to be Slowed n Throwed tonight!!! Double Cupped. Apr 17, , am EDT. Apr 8, , am EDT. Mar 26, , am EDT. Mar 2, , am EST. Jul 19, , pm EDT. May 10, , pm EDT. Edit Story. Sep 14, , pm EDT. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website.

Codeine is a drug that is metabolized by the body into morphine. In prescription cough syrup, codeine works to suppress a cough. Purple drank is composed of multiple depressants which can synergize to cause:.

Furthermore, when other central nervous depressants are thrown into the mix—like barbiturates , narcotics, and tricyclic antidepressants—repercussions are particularly grim. From a scientific perspective, it's difficult to pinpoint exactly how much purple drank it takes to kill someone.

From a medical perspective, it's safe to say that imbibing any amount of purple drank is dangerous. Beyond finding empty bottles of cough syrup, styrofoam cups, soda, and candy among your loved one's belongings, it's important to watch out for any changes in personality and behavior. Changes might include being irritable, changes in sleep patterns, a loss of interest in school or social activities, or a sudden change in friends.

If you suspect someone has overdosed on sizzurp, call immediately or the national toll-free Poison Help hotline A number of commercial products have emerged that are inspired by purple drank and include herbal ingredients such as melatonin, rose hips, and valerian.

These products are often marketed as relaxation aids and sometimes use similar-sounding names such as "Lean" or "Purple Stuff. Just because the main ingredients in purple drank are "legal" or sold over-the-counter in a pharmacy, does not make it safe to drink.

When not used as directed on the label or exactly prescribed, cough medicine and other over-the-counter drugs can be harmful to your health. It can be difficult to know what these products actually contain and the potential effects these substances may have. Always talk to your doctor before using such products, since even herbal ingredients can lead to potentially serious interactions and side effects.

Codeine is a habit-forming opioid pain reliever, which means taking more than prescribed can easily lead to dependence and potentially addiction. How long promethazine with codeine cough syrup will remain in your body depends on several factors, including dosage, how often you use the medication, your age, weight, and metabolism, as well as your hydration and activity levels.

While there is no exact drug test or timeline for purple drank, here is an estimated detection window for codeine according to drug test type:. Developing an addiction to purple drank is possible—but it won't happen overnight. Factors like genetics, environment, underlying mental health as well as the frequency of use all play a role in whether or not someone develops an addiction. Withdrawal from purple drank use can be very uncomfortable, but it is not life-threatening. Although complications can occur that pose a potential danger.

For example, vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration as well as chemical and mineral disturbances in your body. Overdose is also possible if you quit and then take the same dose of the drug again.

Your body will no longer be able to tolerate the amount you used to take. What's the danger? Too much codeine and promethazine can depress the central nervous and respiratory systems, stopping the heart and lungs. Doctors also see nausea, dizziness, impaired vision, memory loss, hallucinations and seizures. Bottom line: It can be deadly, especially when mixed with other drugs and alcohol. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says: "Teens may think that just because something is available from the pharmacy, it won't harm them — but that's not true.

Considerations for policymakers are included. National Association of State Boards of Education. Tel: ; Tel: ; Fax: ; e-mail: boards nasbe. They're good, though give us much homework. In our school, we have to get all the necessary things ourselves. So u were lucky Jennifer. Yes, it is still far and unknown, but I personally already have to think about my future because I'm in the 9th grade.

But u're right,the future is still something we await I have so much to say! Hi Starlette Lady, Don't worry about writing too much! We enjoy reading your comments. They show that you're enjoying our website and you're making the most of the opportunities to practise your English.

Well done, you! Thanks for support! And sorry if I'm being annoying, but could you please please plzzz create a blog function for us? I feel it would be better and the comments won't be overloaded with information.

Thx once more! Hello everyone -- thanks so much for reading and responding to the article. I enjoyed reading all of your comments, and learning about what you think of school! It's really nice to hear how many of you enjoy going school.

One thing I find interesting is how many of you enjoy your schools lunches! You're really lucky to have such nice food at school. In the UK, school lunches have a bad reputation. Traditionally, pupils are given unheatlhy things like 'potato smileys' Google it to see what I mean! But maybe you have heard of Jamie Oliver? He is a famous chef who is trying to change this. One of you also mentioned class trips which I completely forgot to mention! Class trips are great, and you often get to do some really interesting stuff -- we went rock climbing once, for example.

Another thing somebody mentioned was school parliament -- I think this is a great thing to do at school, too. Potato Smileys: a french fry that has been flattened and shaped into a circle, with two eyes and a smiley mouth cut out.

These greasy delicacies were created in hopes that they would cheer up fat, overweight children in schools across America. But, sadly these happy potato snacks are eaten as regularly as normal french fries, potato wedges, tater-tots, or curly fries. There is still debate about the true reason behind all the extra work put into school food such as this, considering the fact that school lunch is still disgusting and noone enjoys it.

I dont want to go to school and dont want to leave school. I go to school, becuse i need a job. There are a lot of things that I like in latvian schools. In Iecavas school I like lunch breaks, because they are 45 minutes long, and then I can go to a shop.

I like my school, because there are all my friends. My school is very good, because it is big and white. I live in Latvia. There are only some schools which have a uniform. I don't like the uniform but some people want it. When i was studying from 1 to9 class i thought school was very hard and put on a lot of responsibilities but now i learn in 10 class and school is fun than ever.

This year i go to student parliament and it is interesting to think some ideas to do school beter. School is interesting and "Don't miss school because you'll miss the life! I like to be together with my friends because with them i dcan feel very weel and happy.

I agree when you writw about friends. In my school ther are not uniforms , but i want them , i think , it can be very interesting when all the peoples are wearing the same clothes. I like your post! I actually can't add anything to the list, because there is all what i think of school years, even much more. I like going to my school, reason for that is my friends. Whom I meet almost all the time only at school, because I'm always too busy to relax from Monday to Friday.

Another reason is that i like to see how much I can learn and how good or maybe bad i can write exams, tests etc. In my country schools are different than Uk's schools, I think that schools in Uk are much better than our schools, cause in our schools country doesn't buy for students notebooks, workbooks and even pens and pencils. Thei only can afford books, and not even in all subjects. Chemistry lessons in our school are hard too, but you have to keep on to learn, math is hard for me too, but you have to try to complete every challenge in your life to get all what you want.

Sometimes I like going to school. I don't like going to school , when I am tired, I want to sleep, and next day I have a lot of exams. I like going to school, because: 1. In school I can meet my friends and spend much time with them.

I can learn something new and complete my knowledge. I have a short days, if I worked, my days finished about three hours later. We have a lot of holidays: Christmas, Easter, 18 of November, autumn and spring holidays, of course Summer holidays. I can learn some subjects for free, because in school I do not pay for learning, but if I take a course I'd pay a lot of money.

I have a lot of reasons why I like to go to school more than I don't like to go to school. I totally agree you, because school years are doog years of life.

I think every child needs to going to school! Log in Sign up Newsletter. Previous Next Magazine topic:. Tuesday, 21 August, - Here are some of them: Friends. When you leave school, meeting up with even one friend can take a lot of organising. Free knowledge. What a bargain! Learning can be really expensive when you leave school - especially in the UK, where university has now become almost as expensive as buying a little house.

In England, schoolkids wear a uniform to school. Mine was blue. Now it takes me ages to decide what to wear. Short days. My school days sometimes felt very long but they were, in fact, very short.

A teacher plays a very important role in this. Critical thinking is an essential part of any subject in school. They use these to absorb the material, form their own ideas, and express themselves in writing and speaking. School introduces students to a wide variety of subjects. More often than not, a student connects with certain topics on a deep level.

Students consider what they want their career to be and develop goals for the future. Schools are more than just classrooms. Most also offer sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. Some of these can lead to scholarships, giving students access to great opportunities for their futures.

School can become an important source of community for many students. For some, it may be the one place where they feel like they can be themselves. Not only will it keep you active, it will also help you learn other useful skills as well.

Though you might enjoy staying unoccupied for the first few days or a month, after some time, it will get damn boring and kill you. Thus, attend school to be a happy, successful person. Overall Development Gone are the days when school meant just learning the events given in a history chapter or solving tough mathematical problems or reciting poems and sonnets!

Developing hobbies, refining them, learning basic etiquettes, getting skilled at multi tasking, developing social skills are some of the many things that a school equips a child with. Toggle navigation. Undoubtedly, school is annoying and boring with a lot of effort going towards attaining good grades. Nonetheless, school is highly important; hence, the reason why your parents pressurize you to work so hard.

Provision 1 was upheld Provision 2 was struck down Provision 3 was struck down Provision 4 was struck down. Legal challenges to SB and the five copycats continue on other constitution grounds.

In Alabama, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals kept provision 1 in effect, blocked provision 3, and struck down provision 4. Provision 2 is not applicable. In Georgia, the 11 th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld provision 1 and upheld provision 2.

Provision 3 and Provision 4 are not applicable. In Indiana, the Indiana federal district court blocked provision 2. Provision 1, Provision 3 and Provision 4 are not applicable. Provision 2 and Provision 4 are not applicable. It passed the Arizona House, , and the state Senate, The law contained four major elements aimed at lessening the number of immigrants in the state illegally through attrition.

It compelled police to ask for papers and allowed officers to arrest a person without a warrant if the officer believed the person has committed an offense that makes them deportable. The law also made it a crime to fail to carry registration papers and for people in the country illegally to solicit work.

Multiple parties attempted to block its implementation, including the U. Department of Justice. Just a day before the law was to take effect, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction that held back its most aggressive elements while lawsuits against the bill played out.

The U. In , the Supreme Court, in a ruling, blocked three provisions of the Arizona law, but upheld the provision that required officers to demand papers from individuals, a situation that even the conservative dissenters among the justices acknowledged could lead to improper detentions and arrests. How will they train themselves going forward? SB was born amid a different conversation on immigration, one that centered on strident deportation policies and massive workplace raids.

After former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed several versions of state bills that targeted immigrants, supporters of SB found a more accepting environment with Brewer.

Today, the rise of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his pledge to build a wall on the U. Gallup polling has consistently shown increasing numbers of people in the U. What I will say about the four disputed provisions is the following:.

As Judge Bea points out, it cannot be the case that the legality of a state law turns on a given set of enforcement policies or practices, as opposed to the text of the allegedly preemptive federal law itself. Second , Section 3 does not to me seem to add any additional registration requirements that would violate the applicable conflict preemption standards see Hines v. Davidowitz , but rather mirrors federal law. Whiting decision might at first glance belie this view, but the regulations at issue there fit neatly within an explicit exemption in federal law.

With preemption analysis perhaps more than anything else on the Supreme Court docket, text matters. For example, Rhode Island law enforcement officers have long been checking immigration status during traffic stops as a matter of policy. As I said above, S. But noble — or at least understandable — goals are neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for good public policy.

Research on these issues shows otherwise. As my colleague Dan Griswold found in a report, even though the number of legal and illegal immigrants in the United States has risen strongly since the early s, the size of the economic underclass has not.

From through , the number of people living below the poverty line declined by 2 million, from

Hay production has seen dramatic changes over the last 50 years. The hay itself — alfalfa and grasses — has increased in nutritive value. Back in the s and 60s, most hay was put up in square bales. These rectangular-shaped bales usually weighed pounds.

They were shaped in a way that they could be stacked in a hayloft or barn until they were needed. Farmers cut hay in the field and let it dry for several days in the sun. Then they raked the dried hay into rows and ran baling equipment over the rows. This produced the bales. Storage is key to keeping this crop ready to be fed to animals in the winter. Large round balers became available so that now, much of the hay put up across the country is in large, round bales.

The round bales can weigh pounds or more. The only difference between square and round bales is the type of machinery used. Why have most of hay producers changed from making small square bales to large round bales? It is primarily due to the labor requirements for making the smaller bales. Those bales must be picked up from the field, moved on a trailer, then stacked in a barn for storage. Like most aspects of farming, there are many options to consider.

Farmers weigh the costs, benefits, and risks, and choose the option that is the best fit for their operation. Like Like. That question is a little beyond our expertise. Any amount of moisture will still allow for some anaerobic bacteria to grow and therefore some spoilage will occur. The article is about why people are looking for wrapping bales and how they have been used.

So, if you are looking for such information then please read it and cherish it. Hope you will write such more articles in future. I have also found this resource Ptlpackaging. This is a great addition tips blog, thank you for sharing this article. I love it how you have written the insightful, all these ideas are great!!

I love this article, thanks for producing such great contents. I love your posts always. If you are looking same kind of valuable information, then can also visit Printstocknz. Great question! Every location is different, but best practice is to recycle it. Of course! The reason that hay is wrapped is to preserve it for longer periods for livestock feed. Iowa Agriculture Literacy. I would like to know if hay grown and bailed in the USA and Canada which is exported to other countries is commonly wrapped in plastic due to the long haul length of time it takes to ship and reach its ultimate destination abroad……?

Plastic wrap is mostly used to protect from weather elements. But transportation brings in other considerations. The more times you move the hay, the more sturdy the twine, net, or wrapping would need to be to keep it together. There are some other considerations of wrapping or not wrapping hay in these articles. Wrapping hay bales also prevents rats from infesting the hay, which ruins the bales.

If more harvests are expected from the field, delaying bales removal can cost future yields. Timely action is crucial if the farmer is preparing for the next harvest. Leaving bales may not matter as much but if more harvests are expected, delaying removal should not be an option.

Forage plants planted under the bale or stack are often killed or smothered if covered for a week or two. Forage has difficulty recovering where the bale was once placed. Even if the hay bale has no impact on future yield, there is one other potential problem you need to be aware of, weed growth.

Hay bales or rolls would provide safe haven for different types of weed to grow and spread quickly. Most damage is done through wheel traffic on regrowth. Do not even mistakenly remove bales when the field is wet. According to rates determination round hay bale cost can be reduced after damage. The damage is not restricted to the field only, with time, bales would flatten out and soften. They will soon start to fall apart, making it harder to load, handle, and haul. Hay bales can become moldy and not good for us.

Here are some tips that may come in handy when removing bales from the hayfield. Putting it all together, Unless the hay bales are used for bale grazing, it would prove expensive to leave them in the field. So, get going, remove bales rolls to prevent future yield loss. Hi, I am Waqar and active in the horse world since I love to solve equine health care issues and note down in the form of research papers.