Why was albus dumbledore dying

Dumbledore finally agreed to give him the post, as Marvolo Gaunt had put a deadly ring on his finger, knowing that he would be widely regarded as a sorcerer. Dumbledore was aware of the fact that after Snape killed him, the whole wizarding world would condemn him and force him to step down as the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Despite the fact Snape killed Dumbledore, it was agreed that he would do so. When Professor Snape died, we found out that his deep love for Lily Evans caused his redemption with the magnificent result — to protect the precious boy destined to kill the biggest enemy of the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort.

Finally, when the time came for Snape to actually kill Dumbledore he hesitated, regardless of their previous agreement, so Dumbledore had to beg Severus to end his life.

Firstly, because he had to keep a promise he had given Dumbledore earlier. As well, it was an act of mercy, as Dumbledore was already dying, from the curse he received because of the Ring. The curse and the potion did it. Nobody forced Dumbledore to put on the Ring neither to drink the potion. The Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the death of Albus Dumbledore had a major impact on the wizarding world.

The only wizard Lord Voldemort had ever feared and who had the power to oppose him was finally dead. Teachers were unsure if the school would remain open, so some parents dropped their children out of Hogwarts. Unfortunately, this one was a little bit sad topic to write about we believe to read as well. This deal was sealed with an Unbreakable Vow. After obtaining one of the horcruxes from a cave, Harry and Dumbledore returned to Hogsmeade, where Madam Rosmerta warned them that the Dark Mark appeared over the Astronomy Tower.

Dumbledore and Harry borrowed her broomsticks and headed up there, ad Dumbledore immobilized Harry with a silent full body-bind curse and covered him with the invisibility cloak. Dumbledore then hid Harry in a dark bunker underneath the platform. Dumbledore and Harry apparated to the top platform of the Astronomy Tower — they never came across with Rosmerta, nor was the Dark Mark over the tower.

Although removing the curse from an infected individual was seemingly impossible, it could be removed from the host object if said artefact was damaged to a certain degree. When Dumbledore used the basilisk venom -infused Sword of Gryffindor to attack the cursed ring, it destroyed the Horcrux and disabled the curse on it.

After he had acquired his maternal grandfather's prized heirloom ring from his deranged uncle , Tom Riddle wore it openly during his time at Hogwarts after killing his father and grandparents.

Once he learned about the effects and possibility of creating multiple Horcruxes, Riddle no longer desired to wear the ring, and instead turned it into a Horcrux with his father's murder.

He then placed the curse on the ring as one of the many precautions before he hid it in its place of origin. The lack of hesitancy of placing the curse onto the Resurrection Stone was a sign for Voldemort's lack of knowledge or care for its powers and status as one of the three Deathly Hallows. In the Summer of , when Dumbledore found the ring under the rotting floorboards of the Gaunt shack , he saw it immediately as the Hallow that he had desired for so many years, the Resurrection Stone.

Wanting to use it to revive his family and apologise for his selfishness in the past, Dumbledore lost his common sense, forget that it was a Horcrux which may have been cursed, and adorned it on his right hand. Almost immediately, the curse triggered, and nearly killed Dumbledore. However, Dumbledore managed to use his own prodigious skill to contain the curse from spreading any further, which prevented him from dying immediately.

This was a strategic choice that consolidated Voldemort's trust in Snape, allowing the latter to keep secretly working for the good side from a position of power. But Dumbledore's plans reached beyond his death. Through his clever manipulations, his death caused a chain of seemingly unimportant events which all turned out to be linked, allowing the defeat of Voldemort. For fantasy fans, Dumbledore's death is one of the most memorable twists.

The truth behind the reasons for his death is even more complex and frankly hard to take in at a first read. No matter how we feel about the books now, it's hard to forget that time when "Snape killed Dumbledore" was the worst form of spoiler.

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