Where is raaf base wagga

It is one of five full time bands, three army reserve bands and two unit bands. In Kapooka became responsible for the training of female recruits, who were previously trained at Georges Heights in Sydney. It was established on the farm of Allonville as a training base prior to the Second World War. It was officially opened in July Archive links are also provided. Join our team and work alongside our ADF. Contact us online or call any of our locations Or find our store trading hours. The Squadron was disbanded in , but reformed in Ground Training School was est.

The School of Administration and Logistics Training was established in A number of internal facilities and amenities are available to all resident unit personnel, as follows:. Email: holsworthy. Email: kapooka-manager aafcans. Email: singleton-manager aafcans. Email: richmond-manager aafcans. Email: Wagga. Manager aafcans. Phone: Canteen Mobile Email: Williamtown-manager aafcans. Email: VBSydney. AAFCANS is a not-for-profit organisation, our core purpose is to provide Defence members with convenient access to quality food, beverage and retail items and support base welfare.

Kapooka Tragedy Memorial - In May , Australia suffered a horrific military training accident when an explosion at the Kapooka Army Base resulted in the death of 26 men. Read more on the Kapooka Tragedy Memorial here. All ground based Air Force members come here for at least one level of training. Established in , RAAF Base Wagga now delivers technical and non technical initial employment and post-graduate training, supporting four major training units.


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