Where is the dimensions tab in google adwords
This becomes an even bigger deal now with the Enhanced Campaigns Google rolled out in mid One of the features of Enhanced Campaigns is to set geographic bid modifiers.
You can run a Search Query Report directly on the Keywords tab of your account as well as see them here on the Dimensions tab. This report shows you the exact search terms that your prospects typed into Google before clicking on your ads.
Not too shabby! The Search Terms report is important for campaigns running on Search. The Automatic Placements report is a similar report for your campaigns that run on the Google Display Network. Instead of showing you information on specific search queries, the Automatic Placements report shows you the specific URLs your Display ads appeared on.
Your different Ad groups in a Display campaign should have different ads and have different targeting options in place. Well, having a website that converts as well as a killer back end that gives you a higher immediate customer value than your competition is a big part of it. And one of the keys to achieving that is segmentation… which is exactly what the areas of the Dimensions tab we discussed above lets you do.
By using this data buried in the Dimensions tab, you can let your less savvy competitors fight over the unprofitable AdWords clicks ie. You are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. Adam Kreitman. March 4, Free Resources. Share You can even sort by clicks. At that point, you might find some irrelevant search term made its way in, and you can then negate it right away. There is a lot more to using the Dimensions tab to your advantage on a daily basis to help you manage and improve the ROI of your PPC campaigns.
Other ways you can slice and dice data include:. Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here. Pauline Jakober on March 23, at am. New on Search Engine Land Facebook says short posts have the most views while hate speech drops on platform. Google November spam update is fully rolled out. Google logo schema gains ImageObject type support.
New features out for Google Ads Editor version 1. About The Author. Because of the isolating nature of landing page optimization , your visitors and potential customers often want to know more about you and your services before converting. So they want to check out how good your blog is, your social media marketing , and how many people work at your company. Because of this reason alone, the destination URL view in the AdWords dimensions tab could tell you if your homepage or landing page performs better.
Have you ever wondered if sending traffic to your home page performs better than your category or product page? Use it to quickly gauge which direction you should use to lift your conversion rates and if you should switch traffic flow to a different destination URL.
Within this view, you'll be able see a comparison of time between your entire account, campaign, or specific ad group for 7, 14, or 28 days at a time.
You can then drill down further and see the Top increases and decreases for cost in specific areas of your account and see if anything from the Change history report actually influenced those changes to happen. There's been a lot of confusion between the next two AdWords dimension tab reports - Geographic vs User Locations.
The Geographic report shows your visitors' physical locations where they were physically when clicking your ad OR , and this is important , or locations that they've shown interest in.
It has to do with your campaign settings, under Location options advanced. If you look at the screenshot below, it'll all make sense. If you choose the first radio button as your Location options, then you may be getting clicks from outside your targeted geographic area. This is simply because people in Botswana no offense to anyone from Botswana reading this could be interested in your ads.
But the question is, are you interested in visitors from countries you're not targeting? Probably not. The clicks and cost might not be racking up, but your lower click-through-rates and not-so-great relevancy are hurting the overall health of your AdWords account. Now let's say you have your AdWords location settings on lock down, you can use the Geographic and User locations reports to see which geographic areas are performing best. It could then be a good idea to create new AdWords campaigns isolating well performing geographic areas to make sure you grab all possible impressions and clicks.
If you're a brick-and-mortar business, have you ever wondered how far people are willing to travel to do business with you? The Distance report gives you clear insight how far out your clicks are leading to conversions and also the click-through-rates to see if would make sense to potentially extended your geographic radius targeting from 10 miles to With this report, you'll be able to see increments of distance performance from as close as 0.
The Search terms report is just like it sounds - it shows you the actual searches that have created impressions and clicks on your ads. You can also access this report through your regular Keyword tab and then by going down to the "Details" tab and selecting the Search Terms portion of the drop down.
As a common use for finding and adding new negative keywords , the Search terms report from the AdWords dimensions tab quickly allows you to see if your keywords are as good as you think they are. Have you ever wondered what if your organic listings on Google are messing with your AdWords ads? Or vise versa? If not, you should be wondering. Because, it's important stuff. It also shows you how your organic listings are doing without PPC ads in the mix, and how the performance is when both an ad AND an organic listing are on the same page.
To do so, go to your little top-right-handed-corner gear icon and click on "Account settings", then on "Linked accounts". By having your ads follow non-converting visitors around, your remarketing campaign reminds, pokes, and teases your past visitors why they should do business with you.