Where is warlic zone in dragonfable
Dragon weapons. You must complete the Nytheria chain in Warlic's Zone. Completing it is quite hard given the damage the Avatars do in the boss fight.
Nythera's quest chains can both be found in Warlic's zone, you must have complete the first in order to unlock the Rage of the Dragon Mage chain. Go to Warlic's zone and keep going past Warlic. At the fist crossroad, keep going straight.
At the T junction, go downward. Keep going till you find a teleporting machine. The machine should take you to the floating cave. You have to beat all of Warlic's quest for the dragon egg.
Then you can fight doomkitty. Log in. Dragon Fable. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Q: Where the warlic zone in dragonfable? Write your answer Related questions. Where is warlic in dragonfable? Where is the earth cave at dragonfable? Where does warlic go after you defeat xan in dragonfable? Where is nythera in dragonfable? Where is he? Nythera: I don't know I'm not his keeper.
He disappeared after the Darkness. Nythera: If you really want I can cast an illusion so you can hear him blabbing about everything but what I want to hear about.
Illusion of Warlic Creates an illusion of Warlic that has his text, quests and shops. Warlic Warlic: Interesting I am Warlic, the blue mage. Warlic: Lymcrest needs help, and there is the matter of the letter I sent to you Warlic: I will make these quests available to you in exchange for Elemental Essences from the Elemental Quests. Warlic: A Dragon Egg is not a matter to be taken lightly. Let us be swift with this most interesting quest. Warlic: We did it! While I would love to study your egg further, you should return to Twilly and find a safe place to hide the egg until it hatches.
Warlic: Elementals? Indeed, this is why I am here. Xan has twisted these mountains creating monsters of elemental evil. Warlic: Xan? Alas, our conflict has continued for some time. I do regret what happened between us that caused his affliction. Warlic: Blue Mage? Ah, you see Black, White and Red were already taken. Interesting, indeed! Warlic: Portals? Portals are magical gateways th Prev question. Next question. Back to questions list. Top cheats View all.
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