Using pedometer how many steps in a mile
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Trending Healthy Living articles. Wearing a pedometer or fitness tracker is an easy way to track your steps each day. Start by wearing the pedometer every day for one week. Put it on when you get up in the morning and wear it until bedtime. Record your daily steps in a log or notebook.
You can count your walking steps a few ways without using a pedometer. Your first way, count them out! Tedious, yes, very!
However, the option is available. A more realistic approach would be to estimate how far a tenth or a quarter of a mile is.
Count your steps for that length and then multiple by ten, if counting for a tenth of a mile, and you will have your distance for a mile. The miles might not seem so long if you realize how many you manage to log during your daily activities. Keep moving and you will make it to your daily goal. Using these averages, here is how far you might go using various step totals. A widely quoted estimate of stride length is 42 percent of height, although further research shows that ratio is only moderately accurate.
Rough estimates of steps per mile based on a stride to height ratio are:. You can use a step-counting pedometer or the pedometer function of your mobile phone to count your steps, or you can count them in your head.
The best way to find your average steps per mile is to count them several times over a course of a known distance and find your own average:. An average stride length that you will see listed in many places is 2. Measuring your stride length will give you a much more accurate number for your personal steps per mile. Your stride length is the distance is from the heel print of one foot to the heel print of the other foot. This is the distance traveled forward by a single leg.
Your stride length varies depending on whether you are walking or running, and whether you are on hills or rough trails, or crossing streets with starts and stops. To measure your stride length, you can use various methods such as walking a football field feet and using these equations:. If you know your stride length, your steps per mile will be:.
Most pedometers request that you enter your stride length during setup in order to calculate distance based on your step count. A pedometer takes the number you have entered as stride length and divides a mile by that number to calculate the distance you have walked.
If you find that your pedometer is telling you that you have gone farther than a mile in a measured mile, then increase the stride length programmed in the pedometer. If it is telling you that you have gone less than a mile in a measured mile, then reduce your stride length programmed into the pedometer.